Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Autoresponder Methods To Get Something Much More From Your List

Web Site by Cheryl's Art Box

Many email marketers get it wrong because they think list marketing is to make money - but actually it is for building relationships. It seems very clear to us even though 95% of the email lists we are on do not do that. People want to get to know you and what you can offer them before they act on any of your sales messages. This is all so incredibly easy to do, but most people are too lazy to bother; they are the ones who do not make money, either. If you are new, then that is great because you can learn it the right way; here are three autoresponder tips that will work if you only use them.

(Also perfect for French property portals)

Email marketing is relationship building, and autoresponders are all about preselling your prospects. Preselling beats the stuffing out of a straight and cold sales pitch. However, it is still extremely important for you to keep on giving great content to your list. For example, you can't just send of blatant sales messages to your list. Instead, you should focus on recommending these products in a subtle manner. You need to have a healthy mix of quality information along with the offer that you're sending out. Always be truthful and sincere, and you can guide them along the path that leads to a link for them to click on. You will discover that your efforts will be more profitable.

Start thinking more out of the box, and just one example is using coupons that are time sensitive. But this is not any kind of obvious sell, and all you need to do is put a link and explain that it is time sensitive. If done correctly, this can yield great results and your subscribers will be really happy with your approach.

The best approach to email copy format is to make it scannable - so people can take it all in very quickly. You simply have to nail this part or your emails will never be read - ever.

Just remember how you like to read your emails, and you probably scan too. All your follow up marketing will go to waste if nobody is reading your email. You will also benefit from making sure you have a lot of white space in your emails. You can read much more about this with your autoresponder service because they do offer training.

There are right and wrong ways to use autoresponders in email marketing. There are some markets (we guess) that do not respond well to autoresponders and emails. This is because they fail to apply such simple tips that help you create a strong email marketing campaign in the long run. The more you know about creating rapport and win-win relationships, the more you will be able to do and fewer mistakes will be made.

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