Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Drive Traffic To Your Site Through Social Bookmarking Sites

Facebook Open Graph by stefanomaggi

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Every social bookmarking website has the ability to drive traffic to your site. But, how you plan to capitalize on these opportunities is the question. Although many popular social bookmarking sites are experiencing plenty of spam, there are still ethical ways to be a member of the community and get targeted visitors to your website and not have to bend the rules while doing it.

Get Active: In order to be popular and build up your reputation on bookmarking websites, you must become active on them. The other members of the bookmarking community will consider your links to be more important if you are an active member. This also means that you should always respond back to any comments that are posted on your submitted content. On a site like Digg, content can attract the attention and plenty of users and get comments. So if this happens, don't hold yourself back. Instead, be content that your content is getting love and respond to the comments. Don't limit your comments on your own links. But, also comment on other people's content too. This will help you to make strong bonds that will last a long time.

Not all Subjects will be Well Received: Even after posting good articles to social bookmarking sites, there is nothing that say they will automatically get on the first page. When you see this happen, look at your post and try to figure out the chosen topic. Some topics may seem to be interesting, but don't really have a mass appeal. This might be because it is not a premium topic. Or, it could be that it is only related to one niche. Whatever is happening, keep in mind that you have to look at a subject before putting it on a social bookmarking site.

Get it in the Right Category: You have no idea how many webmasters make the mistake of submitting their site or blog to the wrong category and end up getting a low response. For example, let's say you're submitting your link to Digg.com. This is a social bookmarking site that lets people vote for the most popular materials submitted. Now, Digg has pre-defined categories that you need to choose from when submitting your content. If you post it to a irrelevant category or one that is too broad, then you will make it even harder for your bookmark to be recognized. So, don't become lazy and pick the wrong label for your posts. This must be taken seriously. Becoming a member of a bookmarking site and providing value should be your first priority, if you want long term results. So, be a valuable member and not worry about making yourself look good.
( fbf88c9522 ) Article source: Melissia Rattana is a prolific guest blogger and they also specializes in Automated SEO more details of which can be discovered on their web site or blog...

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