Wednesday, May 11, 2011

What Every Blogger Should Understand About WordPress SEO

Quality Backlinks by evantowns

Automatic Backlinks Creator

In order to make the search engines give your WordPress site a good ranking, there has to be more than wonderful content. There are some specific things that you have to do to ensure that you do not lag behind in terms of search engine rankings. In this article, we will examine a few of these items.

Excellent Content Is King: It's been said a hundred if not a thousand times before, yet people still can't seem to grasp this simple concept. A blog with excellent content will rise to the top of the SERPs. Since your life is already much easier thanks to WordPress' SEO capabilities, why not go the extra mile by publishing amazing articles? There isn't a piece of content that you post that doesn't have an impact, since it is an excellent platform for you to connect with your target market. Both the number of targeted prospects visiting your site as well as inbound relevant links will increase once you start publishing amazing content. Link to Related Articles: Whenever new readers visit your blog, they should have the ability to peruse other related articles. In order to make it simpler, you can put the WordPress Related Posts plug-in on your blog. This will let you link to three or four related articles at the bottom of each post. This will not only help your readers discover more similar content, but it will also the search engines to find their way through your site. You will instantly increase the page view on your site because people like to move one article to other relevant articles by just going through the similar posts.

Recycle Old Articles: This is a good plan for making sure that your WordPress blog is fresh and in the know. All you have to do is use popular older posts and update them with newer content. Add new breath and stimulation to it. The next step is to just republish it with the new content. If your purpose is to obtain a higher page rank for these older pages, then you should not change the permalinks so that the search engines can still find them. This will give you more new links for pages that already have a higher position with Google. This will give them a higher ranking with the search engines.

In conclusion, if you have a WordPress blog, then it is optimized better for SEO. Now, it is up to you to leverage this in the best way possible.
Source: Automatic Backlinks Generator

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